How low can they go?

I’ve heard that some greedy persons with absolutely no conscience sell imitations of the white and yellow wristband. The original white band is a symbol to end extreme poverty. The yellow band is sold to support the Lance Armstrong Foundation.
The cheating wristbands however only support the swindlers who try to sell them.
Never shop at places, where phoney wristbands are sold! Remember: when the shop has no trouble swindle with charity – they will not think twice to cheat you in any other way!


The white wristband:
The yellow wristband:

1 thought on “How low can they go?

  1. Anders

    Couldn’t agree more…

    – and don’t get the wristbands because they’re “in” and “hip”. Get them, because you wanna make a statement and support the activities they run…

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