My dear robot vacuum cleaner (Roomba) won’t start! 🙁
I think it might be the battery – I hope it isn’t something more serious. I’m not very fond of vacuuming – I much prefer to let the machines do that kind of job. I’ve only had the robot for a year (precisely a year in fact), and it should last longer than that.
Monthly Archives: November 2005
What a perfect day
A few days ago, the radio station I was listening to while driving home, played Lou Reed’s “Perfect Day” in a version with lots of different persons, singing few words each.
I believe I’ve heard it before, but haven’t really noticed it then. Marvellous.
Yesterday I tried to find the song on the net. Either as a (legal) download, or on CD.
In my search, I discovered that this special recording was made for the BBC Children In Need Charity in 1997 (the original, by Lou Reed, is from 1972 I think).
Interesting enough, I haven’t been able to find the record anywhere (yes, I have looked at the BBC Shop, but they don’t have it – so much for the charity).
Until I find it (haven’t stopped looking), I just have to sing it myself. I can’t sing, so it doesn’t sound good.
Just a perfect day, drink sangria in the park. And then later, when it gets dark. We go home.
Update, November 24, 2005: I found it! 🙂
First aid
I went to a first aid course today (it’s a couple of years since I learned it, so I thought I needed a brush-up). Just like last time, I heard that Denmark isn’t the best place to get a heart attack. Very few people know how to offer first aid. There are probably a lot of countries even worse than Denmark, but that doesn’t make it any better.
Sometimes I find myself surrounded by people demanding that the governments and large companies show a high degree of human compassion. But when it comes to actually do something themselves, it’s suddenly not that easy.
Or maybe it’s just me, thinking I’m better than anybody else. It’s probably a little bit of both.